Welcome to the Hope Scholar Portal!

Before getting started, please read through the information below. / Antes de comenzar, lea la siguiente información:
- Students and parents/guardians must use a personal email address - not a school or work email address - to create their account to the Hope Scholar Portal. / Los estudiantes y los padres/tutores deben usar un correo electrónico personal, no un correo electrónico de la escuela o del trabajo, para crear su cuenta en el Hope Scholar Portal.
- It may take several minutes to complete and submit a form in this system. You can save a draft of the form if you would like to complete and submit it at a later date or time. Click here to learn how to “save a draft (Note: This link is only available in English).” / Puede tomar varios minutos para completar y enviar un formulario en este sistema. Puede guardar un borrador del formulario si desea completarlo y enviarlo en una fecha u hora posterior. Haga clic aquí para obtener información sobre cómo "guardar un borrador” (Nota: este enlace solo está disponible en inglés).
- As students and parents/guardians at Hope Chicago partner schools, it is important for you to maintain accurate information in the forms requested by Hope Chicago. If you need to update or revise information you already submitted, please request to edit the submission. Click here to learn how to request to edit your submission (Note: This link is only available in English). / Como estudiantes y padres/tutores de las escuelas asociadas con Hope Chicago, es importante que mantengan información correcta en los formularios solicitados por Hope Chicago. Si necesita revisar la información que ya envió, solicite la oportunidad de revisar el envío. Haga clic aquí para obtener información sobre cómo solicitar la oportunidad de revisar su envío (Nota: este enlace solo está disponible en inglés).
- To access the Hope Scholar Portal, you must use Google Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. The Hope Scholar Portal may not work accurately on Internet Explorer. / Para acceder el Hope Scholar Portal, debe usar Google Chrome, Firefox o Safari. Es posible que el Hope Scholar Portal no funcione con precisión en Internet Explorer.
- The Hope Scholar Portal is housed in a system called Submittable. Confirmation emails you will receive from the Hope Scholar Portal will be from notifications@email.submittable.com. / El Hope Scholar Portal está alojado en un sistema llamado Submittable. Los correos electrónicos de confirmación que recibirá del Hope Scholar Portal serán de notifications@email.submittable.com.
Once you complete and submit a form, you will receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email: / Una vez que complete y envíe un formulario, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación. Si no recibe este correo electrónico:
- Check the junk or spam folders in your email account / Revisa las carpetas de correo basura o spam en su cuenta de correo electrónico
- Make sure you have submitted the form and that it is not saved as a draft / Asegúrese de haber enviado el formulario y de que no esté guardado como borrador
- Be sure the email address you provided for your Hope Scholar Portal account is spelled correctly / Asegúrese de que el correo electrónico que proporcionó para su cuenta del Hope Scholar Portal esté escrita correctamente
Need Help? / ¿Necesita ayuda?
Click the following links to check out the Submitter Resource Center or to contact Submittable Customer Support. / Haga clic en los siguientes enlaces para consultar el Submitter Resource Center o comunicarse con Submittable Customer Support (Nota: estos enlaces solo están disponibles en inglés).
Emergency Funding Request Form
Submission Guidelines
- Hope Chicago defines an “emergency” as something that is serious, unexpected and/or requires immediate action/support in order for the Hope Scholar to continue with their postsecondary plan.
- Emergency funds are not grants or scholarships, are not renewable, and are limited. These funds are intended for Hope Scholars currently enrolled at one of our 23 in-network partner schools.
- Hope Chicago will review your submission to approve or deny the request. Submitting an Emergency Fund Request does not guarantee your funding will be approved.
- If approved, Emergency Funds will be placed on your US Bank Pay Card. Please reach out to support@hopechicago.org if you are having issues with your Pay Card.
- Please ensure the information entered is accurate. Double check that all of your responses are correct!
- A confirmation email will be sent upon successful submission of the form. The email will be from Submittable.
- If you have any questions or require any assistance, email support@hopechicago.org.
Before you start, please read the following:
- The Parent/Guardian Registration Form is required for at least one parent/guardian of each Hope Scholar or student eligible to become a Hope Scholar.
- Parents/Guardians who submit the Parent/Guardian Registration Form and meet the eligibility criteria to become a Parent Scholar will receive information via email about the Parent Scholar Program.
- Please ensure the information you enter is accurate. Hope Chicago will use the email address you provide to share information with you about our scholarships, events, and wraparound support available to students and parents/guardians.
- A confirmation email will be sent upon successful submission of the form. The email will be from Submittable. Please save the confirmation email for your future reference.
- If you have any questions or require any assistance, email parentsupport@hopechicago.org.
Antes de empezar, lea lo siguiente:
- Se requiere el Parent/Guardian Registration Form para al menos un padre/tutor de cada Hope Scholar o estudiante elegible para ser en Hope Scholar.
- Los padres/tutores que envíen el Parent/Guardian Registration Form y cumplan con los criterios de elegibilidad para ser un Parent Scholar recibirán información por correo electrónico sobre el Parent Scholar Program.
- Asegúrese de que la información que ingrese sea correcta. Hope Chicago utilizará el correo electrónico que proporcione para compartir información con usted sobre nuestras becas, eventos y apoyo integral disponible para estudiantes y padres/tutores.
- Se enviará un correo electrónico de confirmación una vez que se haya enviado correctamente el formulario. El correo electrónico será de Submittable. Guarde el correo electrónico de confirmación para su referencia en el futuro.
- Si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda, envíe un correo electrónico a parentsupport@hopechicago.org.